Hill Towns of Croatia

Croatia’s county of Istria resides on the largest peninsula in the Adriatic Sea. While most tourists enjoy its coastal communities, just an hours drive inland from Ravinj are beautiful hill towns that remind me of Tuscany, but with more forest. Istria’s close proximity to Italy has had an influence on its architecture. Two hill towns in particular make a wonderful daytrip.

Motovun is the most visited of Istria’s hill towns, with rampart walls wrapped around the east side of town – which is an extra fee for tourists to enter. All around are terrific views of the valley below.

While Motovun has the best panoramic views, I find Groznjan more fun to meander through its cobblestone lanes, enjoying its fabulous stone buildings – many turned into shops and art galleries.

And if you are interested in truffle-cuisine, you can find it in both hill towns.

Enjoy highlights of both Motovun and Groznjan in my Hill Towns of Istria video on Haswell Travelled YouTube channel. It can also be access via the Croatia-Slovenia web page, along with other fabulous destinations.


Walls of Ston


Waterfall Paradise: Plitvice Lakes, Croatia